Mad Libs

Level Aims Grammar Time Materials
junior high school third year to senior high school To review material from the year's work in a relaxed environment. any 20-25 mins Mad Lib sheets

This is based on a game popular with American children and juveniles. For our purposes, this activity can be played either with partners or in groups. In the case of partners, give each partner a separate Mad Lib sheet and have them quiz each other. If you are doing this with groups, one sheet per group is OK. In any group, one person is the 'reader', which means that they are the ones who have the sheet and ask the other members (the 'writers' - although they don't write anything) to produce one word for each blank. The 'reader' then fills in the blanks with the supplied words. If the blank calls for a noun, the 'reader' asks one of the 'writers' for a noun, etc.. In the Mad Libs supplied, there are enough blanks so that each writer in a group of 4 can supply 4 responses. After everyone is finished, each group can read their story aloud. It is very easy to make your own Mad Lib sheets, and they can be used for many different lessons. Of the two sheets provided here, only one should be used per class.

Teaching Tip

Take every opportunity to congratulate your S/s. Shake their hand and say, "Good work", "Well done!", "Congratulations!" (follow up 'congrats' with the Japanese equivalent, "Omedeto!". The S/s' text books don't cover this word until late in 3rd year, but there's no reason why you shouldn't teach it earlier!). Just like you, S/s like being told that they're doing well and achieving something. The same goes for JTEs. Positive reinforcement is a powerful inducement for continued or increased working and learning.

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